Posted on December 2, 2021 by Steve Moses in Training
Meet The Fta Member Series: Jj Racaza
Tell us who you are, where you grew up, where you live, and where you teach.
My name is JJ Racaza. I am a professional shooter for Beretta USA and currently #1 qualifier for Team USA. I was born and raised in the Cebu, Philippines and currently live in Florida. I am fortunate enough to be able to teach all over the country.
Did you grow up in a home in which adults had firearms?
Yes, I grew up in a household that had firearms. .
Were you ever in the military, law enforcement, or any other profession in which possession of a firearm was necessary?
Yes, I was with the Department of Homeland Security as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer. While with the department, I was able to hold positions as a Lead Firearms Training Officer, and as an academy instructor. Prior to this I was a contracted instructor in early 2003.
When did you decide to become a firearms trainer, and how did you go about it?
I was recruited to enter into a contract after a win at a competition in 2002. They wanted me to teach what I do in matches to this particular agency the government was starting up. I have not stopped teaching since.
Please set out three firearms and/or tactics instructor certifications that you possess that are most relevant to what you teach today and why.
I hold instructor certification for Firearms, Defensive Measures, Non-Lethal Training, Combatives, ECQ/CQB training, and Mission Training. Most of these certifications are actually just in my folder somewhere at home. Most of the reasons why I get hired as an instructor for military, law enforcement or civilians is due to my work as a competition shooter and that I specialize in efficiency and performance shooting.
Please name one (and only one) instructor that you might describe as being a mentor to you.
Mike Seeklander and my dad.
What class do you teach that you think benefits students the most?
Precision at speed and the understanding of how performance shooting will benefit anyone in whatever field or application it may be. I specialize in identifying movement and point out specifically where a shooter is inefficient and or when the shooter shows his specific deficiency. Adjusting movement allows for the shooter to connect the process to the outcome.
What is the most important thing that you have learned as an instructor that perhaps new instructors would benefit from knowing?
Try to always learn from others and be humble.
Please provide us with your contact information, including email and website address.
Email for me is jjRacaza@mac.com and the best way to schedule anything for me is through jessica.Racaza@yahoo.com